Technical audits

The technical underpinnings and structure of a site can have a large impact on SEO. Our team makes sure that our sites are built to current best practices, and can conduct audits on non-Semantic sites to highlight problem areas and suggest improvements.


Health Check

We’ll carry out sanity checks on your site to assess and identify improvements that can be made from an SEO point of view, from page speeds and on-page copy, to metadata and internal linking.

Quick Wins

Initial technical audits are a great first step in evaluating the current state of your site’s SEO performance, helping to locate those easy-wins that can often be fixed quickly.

  • Page speeds
  • Broken links
  • Metadata issues
  • Keyword usage
  • Duplicate content

The SEO tools we use will regularly highlight any issues that may arise as your site changes and evolves, and we’ll alert you to these as they happen and include them in your regular report.